"I am here to help the members and maintain professional membership while prospering new growth."
As National Secretary, I will strive to attain the following goals:
• Encourage young culinarians to retain their membership
I believe the main reason younger members and student members do not continue on as professional members is related to the chef they work for. If a student works for an ACF member, the student is more likely to stay involved in the ACF and eventually become a professional member. Increasing the number of professional members in the ACF will be a win - win situation. It will also result in increased certification, more support for Chef and Child, and more buying power for the ACF.
• Strengthen chapters at the local leve
Our chapters are our strongest asset. We need to focus on making them stronger by helping them attract new members. We should look at our stronger chapters in each region and use them as models in for other chapters. Communication is the most important item. The more our chapter members are informed, the easier it is for the chapters to succeed.
• Embrace the 5 branches of military and their membership through apprenticeship progress certification earnings
Through networking, we should support our troops currently developing training standards to further their careers. Our dedicated men and women deserve recognition for their efforts and need our constant support. Advocating assistance for military programs can encourage other chefs to become apprenticeship sponsors in an effort to earn other certification designations.
• Certification Recognition to compliment your current experience
We need to further establish awareness of ACF certification levels within the industry through brand recognition at a national level. Hotels/Resorts/Casinos, Restaurants/Clubs, Corporate and all facilities should recognize our certification designations and understand the qualifications of our certified chefs, noting the standards that make them a superior employee.
• Support Senior Chefs in their goals
By supporting the ACF Senior Chefs, we are helping to keep our history alive. I am currently working with ACF President Chef Michael Ty to create a Mentorship Program where Senior Chefs will have the opportunity to use their wealth of experience and knowledge to help aspiring culinarians develop their career paths